Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Neighborhood Meeting with Malt-O-Meal

Last night, Malt-O-Meal hosted a meeting at their offices for the affected neighbors.  They presented a conceptual layout of the parking lot and building.

There were 2 people from the city there also (Mielke and Olson) and they gave information about no decision being made yet since the city council would have to decide.  No timeline but indications were that the decision would occur relatively soon since the parking lot design needs to be finalized.

I asked specifically why was the easement put in place originally and they did not provide an answer, although there was brief mention regarding some indication that there were concerns by the original Lakeview Estates landowner about the proximity of the commercial buildings and the impact of being able to sell and develop the residential lots.

I followed up and asked if the easement was potentially put in place to protect the residential plat sales from proximity to the commercial buildings, then what has changed between 1995 and now and my answer was that this property now has a new owner (Malt-O-Meal).

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